Control feedback

Forum to speak about the first game of the trilogy.

Control feedback

Postby DorkmasterFlek » Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:54 pm

Hi everybody. First of all, let me preface this by saying that I'm quite enjoying this game so far. It's a very impressive piece of work considering it was created from scratch, as opposed to just a ROM hack or something like that. That being said, there are a few issues with the controls that are annoying me which I thought you might appreciate some feedback on.

1. Reading a sign, talking to a person, or opening a chest you press space, however in order to exit from the text box, you hit the enter button. This is annoying because you press one button to engage the dialogue box and a different button to get out of it. The same thing occurs when you bring up the map screen using the M button. Rather than press the same button to go back like on the SNES, you have to press enter to get out of it. You could allow both to work, but why not just use the same button? It's much more natural.

2. Having to select the gloves as an item in order to lift things is annoying. Now I see that you recognized this and allowed for a separate button to use the gloves without equipping them first, which is great, but this should just be the same button as opening chests and talking to people.

3. Along the same lines as number two, you have to equip the flippers in order to swim. Now again, I see you tried to minimize the annoyance factor by automatically equipping the flippers when you enter water, but why even bother with equipping them? Why can't you just swim if they're in your inventory like on the SNES? I'll be honest here; I can deal with having a different button to lift things than talking to people, but having the flippers constantly equipping themselves as I'm trying to navigate a dungeon is really annoying. :P

Again, let me say that I'm very impressed with the game and I'm very much enjoying it. I only bring these points up because they occur all the time during the game, and they seem like they would be very easy to change. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to finishing ROTH and moving on to the other two games. :)
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Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:42 pm

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